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Films of Seymour Bernstein
and excerpts from the 2014 documentary, Seymour: An Introduction
These films—a superset of the documentary—encompass meditations on art,
the practice of craft, and a worldview informed by a highly developed sense of wonder and gratitude.
Credit: Courtesy of IFC Films/Sundance Selects
When Hawke mentions artists who have struggled under the weight of success or failure, Bernstein seemingly brushes them off. (In the film the late pianist Glenn Gould is dismissed as “a total neurotic mess”.)
“Mostly those people who are unfocused and neurotic; they can be great artists, but they are doing it for the wrong reasons. They are doing it for self-aggrandizement or to make money or because they don‘t know what else to do. They have no idea that they are emissaries for the greatest minds the composers and the writers – what a responsibility it is, what a privilege it is.”                                 —The Guardian, 12 Mar 2015

A lesson with Seymour Bernstein: “You and the Piano” based on his book, With Your Own Two Hands, Self-Discovery Through Music. Movie produced and directed by Quin Mathews (1986).
Seymour Bernstein’s Home on Maine’s Rocky Coast (July 2012)
Seymour Bernstein discusses and plays Mozart,
    Dec 2012 (20:12)
Seymour Bernstein:
The Meaning of Humility,
    Aug 2013 (10:32)
and his relationship to all living creatures
    Aug 2013 (11:54)
DP/30 @TIFF 2014:
Seymour: An Introduction, Ethan & Seymour,
    Sept 2014 (29:51)
DP/30: Seymour: An Introduction,
Seymour Bernstein interview,
    Mar 2015 (41:18)
Seymour: An Introduction, Official Trialer (1:18)

Seymour Bernstein’s website and video channel

“[T]he film’s theme ... is as much the story of Bernstein as a meditation on art and the practice of craft. ‘The film opens with me at my piano, practicing a Scarlatti piece, and I kept missing a leap – that was already a struggle. It wasn’t staged, it was a real, live moment of a pianist practicing,’ said Bernstein. ‘Do you know what that does to a person? One moment you can’t do something and through the effort – the struggle – you find out how you can survive that particular challenge. You get a rush of pride and a love for yourself. Parents get that with their children. Teachers get that with their pupils. What a rush!’          —The Guardian, 12 Mar 2015